Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. Topic: HLE (Humane Law Enforcement) Officer... Aka: Animal Cop / Control

2. What do I plan to do this year to show growth in each of the ESLRs?
  • iPoly Citizen: I definitely plan to show up more often than I did last year. None the less, I always get my work done. But I've struggled with coming to school on time, let alone coming at all. So being there is definitely a goal! Also, this summer, I have completely washed away all negativity and filled myself with only positive thoughts. As far as being an iPoly citizen and for myself, I hope to continue this habit and to also bring my new, happier self to others. I want to share my positive reinforcement on my peers and hope to make the best of this year. If there comes a time where I ever fall, I've got to just pick myself right back up and keep trying. There is no giving up allowed. As far as stress and dealing with those who have a different mind-set from mine, my goal is to accept things as they are. "By listening with calm and understanding, we can ease the suffering of another person." Things happen for a reason, right? So just let things flow and fall in place on their own. Two negatives make a positive.
    Referring to involvement, I need to step up my game. I'm a really shy and reserved person, and normally don't enjoy "social" events. I will probably try and hold back on being a part of them, but I plan to at least try and get involved. That's the most you could really ask of anyone. To try.
  • Effective Learner: As I've mentioned before, I'm a really shy person. And it's kicked my behind multiple times. Having this personality gets in the way of my studying and asking for help when I really need it. For example, last year during chemistry, I struggled so much. I knew that I needed help and extra tutoring. It wasn't the end of the year (when it was too late) that I asked for help. And tutoring sure did boost me up a whole grade! I just wish I had done this sooner. So with that being said, I plan to open up some more and speak up when I have to. I've already started in Pittman's class, and asked to be assigned to a tutor for Physics. I don't know yet whether I need it or not, but one-on-one tutoring is an effective learning skill for me and I grasp a lot more. There are no distractions and I'm hoping to get a deeper understanding of whatever it is I'm learning. I definitely want to explore and look into getting much better grades for me. I want to explore into finding what study methods work for myself and use those skills in the real world. "Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to the voice within yourself."
  • Effective User of Technology: Technology will be used greatly for my project (power points, research, ect.) What I plan to show growth in is, again, looking deeper into some of the things we may learn that interests me. If I find some cool facts about it, I'll probably share it with my peers and the teacher. I also want to excel in sharing my skills with others in need of help.
  •  Effective Communicator: Refering back to my blurb about being an iPoly citizen, I plan to show growth in continuing being a positive person and sharing that positivity with others. I want to bring peace and harmony into our class, and just make it a feel-good environment. It's all about the positive thoughts, good vibes. I believe my plan in growing towards being an effective communicator is very similar to being an iPoly citizen. What I do need to work on is opening up more and allowing myself to listen to others, and vice versa, speaking up so that others hear me. You'll never know. One thought, one word, one idea, one sentence.. It can take you a long way. I'm so excited to present my senior topic and all new things that I've learned. This will allow me to be heard, thus showing my plan in growth of being an effective learner. 
"Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it." Negative thoughts that have ever held me back from going on.  
"Let us live in joy, never falling sick like those who hate us. Let us live in freedom, without hatred even among those who hate." 

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