Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions


10 Open Ended Question:
  • How can a potential pet owner best prepare for a shelter adoption? 
  • What are the most important aspects to being a "responsible"owner?
  • What distinguishes a "poor" owner versus a "good" one?
  • Is it possible that even the homeless folks with very little money are better pet owners than some? In my experience, I once saw a man asking a money so that he could feed his dog.
  • How can we as people in general take action and help these animals out, along with informing others about this sort of information? 
  • Say, there's a dog that has special needs. This is your first pet and you just absolutely fell in love with the little dude. Should you get extra training and acquire further research?
  • There's an option to adopt online from animal rescue groups out of state. How do those potential pet owners get a background check? Isn't better to have an interview in person? 
  • To those already set pet owners who have shy animals of their own, is there anyway the shelter animal they want to adopt be introduced to their pet to see how the two act? This seems very important.
  • Is there ever a certain vibe or persona a good pet owner has? I don't know. I think usually on first impressions, you're able to tell.
  • What kind of attitude should someone come in with when they're looking to adopt?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Blog 11: Mentorship 10 Hours Check


1.   Where are you doing your mentorship?

I'm currently doing my mentorship at the Pasadena Humane Society. I will remain doing so, with the exception of a few outer events. 
2.   Who is your contact?

 My contact is Elana Blum, also known as the humane educator and pet therapy coordinator at the Pasadena Humane Society. 
3.   How many total hours have you done (total hours should be reflected in your mentorship log located on the right hand side of your blog like your WB)?   

Total, so far, I have 41 hours and 45 minutes in.

4.   Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.

I split my 10 hours into two days. Both days consisted of putting together the packages for the kids, as I mentioned in my last blog post. The packages that we mailed out included animal stickers and pencils and stamps and just little goodies for the kids. In between working, my mentor actually let me take this adorable red haired pitbull out for a stroll in the park. We didn't have a name decided for her. But she has a pink and green collar, which I said reminded me of strawberries. And with that, we named her Shortcake! See, her fur is red with a white chest, as a strawberry shortcake would be.

 5.   Email your house teacher the name of your contact and their phone number confirming who they should call to verify it.