Saturday, September 28, 2013

Independent Component 1 Approval

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.

For my 30 hours, I plan to continue on working with Elana (my mentor) at the Pasadena Humane Society. During my summer mentorship, I contributed in helping run a seminar for young teens, which just taught them things here and there about the shelter and different animal projects that were currently going on. For my 30 hours, we might have something planned out. If not, I will continue getting experience with working in the shelter with all the animals, which includes learning about the different behaviors and personalities each individual has, and so on. 

2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

I'm a huge fan of take videos and photos. So, through those two methods, I will definitely be showing my 30 hours of evidence.
I have loads from this summer posted on instagram.  

3.  And explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth. 

By continuing to volunteer at the shelter, as I've said before, I will be exploring through things like the different animal behaviors, what is required to adopt an animal, the individual stories of the animals, ect. This is crucial to my topic because I will come across both animals and people with different personalities and behaviors. Some will be more aggressive than others, and I have to learn the correct way to handle that through first hand experience.  

Welcome to the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA

This video provides a background of the Pasadena Humane society, which is where I've been volunteering.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Second Interview Questions

1. Who is your mentor and where do they work?

 My mentor is Elana Blum, also known as the humane educator and pet therapy coordinator at the Pasadena Humane Society. 

2.  What five questions will you ask them about their background?
  • How exactly did you get here? What inspired you to get into this field?
  • Were you always an animal lover? 
  • If you weren't in this field, what other career would you have tried getting into?
  • With all the animals that come in the shelter, some even being too ill, do you get emotional over them? How is your mental stability? 
  • Has there been any change since you've worked here?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blog 5 Project Reflection and Working EQ

The Pentagon:

(1) Positive Statement: What positive thing happen as a result of what you have completed so far?
A posititve thing that has happened as a result of what I've completed so far is that I have a much greater knowledge about what goes on in an animal shelter. Also, I did my interview, and that opened my eyes and ind to the reality of what the daily life in this career is like.

(2) EQ Content:  Pick a piece of research or your interview.  How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic?
As I mentioned above, I have already done my interview. After talking to Murphy, I realized what a risk and what an adventure this career takes. There are days where the HLE officers could be saving a kitten. However, on other days, they might be dealing with rattle snakes.

(3) What has worked for you so far in the senior project?
What has worked for me in the senior project so far is actually all the research I've been doing and reading up different articles that involve these animal cops. It better prepares me for what I may have to deal with in the future, if I continue to go down this path.

(4) What hasn't worked so far? 

 I don't thinking there's anything that hasn't worked. I've been stress-free.

(5) Finding Value: 

  •  What is a potential question you would like to study this year?  (working EQ)
    A potential question I would like to study this year might be what Greg Murphy (interviewee) had told me: "How do you get people to be responsible pet owners?
  •  What do you plan to do for mentorship?  If you haven't found a mentor yet, then discuss where you are currently looking and who you are talking to to find it.   I can't go on ride-alongs just yet. However, once I turn 18 (this year), I definitely plan to do so. For now, I'll continue going to the shelter and doing what I can there.